Waypoint 51

A comparison of the trails

Comparing the trails

In this section we have tried to compare the different trails and judge them by a range of criteria. The idea is, of course, to provide you with more information about the trails and perhaps help you determine which trail you would like to tackle next.

The judgements are, of course, completely subjective. They are our opinions, and ours alone. Of course, readers who have also done these trails will have their own ideas as to which is the hardest, which has the best food, which trail is best for dogs etc etc. If you disagree with our judgements, you can vent your anger (and maybe suggest your own favourites) in the comments box at the foot of the page. Who knows, if enough people disagree with us then we’ll be happy to re-evaluate our choices!

If there are other categories by which you would like us to judge the trails, do let us know and we’ll do our best to come up with some thoughts on the matter.

Anyway, if nothing else we hope these pages stimulate some debate – and we look forward to seeing what other people have to say.

A table of the trails, organised according to their length, can be found by clicking on the button below:

The categories

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